Standardize a vocabulary for my company in order to improve my productivity and reduce my operating costs
What is an enterprise vocabulary?
- Note that two companies, even if they are competitors in the same sector of activity, do not necessarily have the same vocabulary.
- In fact, each company has its own words to designate an activity, a work process, an object, a resource, etc. This is what constitutes the vocabulary of the company.
Business stakes
- It is essential to succeed in formalizing this business vocabulary and standardizing it for all of its structures.
- It is a particularly complex exercise within multinationals for which there may be a divergence in vocabulary not only from one country to another but also differences in vocabulary between its organizational structures.
- The outcome of this approach is to facilitate the exchange of information between the different teams of the company by trying to make sure that everyone understands the same thing behind the words usually used to do their job.
- At the level of human processes,
- This increases productivity (teams understand each other faster) and avoid errors related to misunderstandings. Such errors can lead to losses of several million euros if a strategic project is started on the wrong footing.
- In addition, with such a formalized vocabulary, it is easier to integrate new people into the company, and also to allow people to change teams without them having to completely adapt their way of expressing themselves.
- At the level of IT processes,
- This approach makes it possible to achieve similar gains: at this level, it is a question of defining a data exchange format that is homogenized for the entire company (Enterprise Business Information Model).
IT stakes
- By imposing an Enterprise Business Information Model for inter-application exchanges, the company:
- obliges the deployment and maintenance of a common vocabulary between the teams
- reduces the risk of errors related to data transcoding
- acquires the ability to reuse existing interfaces which allows economies of scale of several million euros for the most stressed systems
- acquires great flexibility to replace an application which has become obsolete, or which is no longer competitive
- allows a reduction of its dependence on software package suppliers for which maintenance costs can prove to be serious obstacles to the performance of the company
KONLI CONSULTING can assist you with a structured audit of your business in order to assess the gains that this process could generate for you. Please tell us about your needs!
Standardize a vocabulary for my company in order to improve my productivity and reduce my operating costs